Pet Society, Change your Pet Colour for Any Colour !!

This is a hack for the game Pet Society for Facebook that allow you to change the color of your pet for anyone you want, even colors that dont appear on the Stylist!!

What do we need?

  1. Cheat Engine
  2. Firefox or IE
  1. Open both, Pet Society and Cheat Engine
  2. In the game, go to the stylist and change your pet colour for Dark Blue
  3. On Cheeat Engine click on the little computer at upper left corner and select your browser
  4. On Cheat Engine tick Hex, write "405B8B" and click on First Scan
  5. You now have many results
  6. Double click on EVERY ONE to pass them to the down chart.
  7. On Cheat Engine, in the lower part, double click on value and change them for the colour you want after 0x00 on EVERY SINGLE ONE.
  8. Ready!! Go to another room and your pet is going to be the color you choose


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